I got a great idea to make use of the modern technology in order to make blogging in two languages easier and less time-consuming. These days one doesn't have to know any bit of English, or any other foreign language for that matter, to write a perfectly good article in English. Here's how you do it: First write what you want to say in your mother tongue, in this case Finnish. I'm using the text from my previous posting, about Rufus' agility run. Copy the text into Babelfish (Yahoo translator) or Google translator. Choose the´original language and the language you want your text to be translated. I had to make slight adjustments to the original, since the translator didn't understand Finnish words such as rimoja, or medeistä, so I changed these around. Click "Translate" and voilá: There you have it. This is what it looks like, I think it's very good. Quite poetic really. The point may be lost in translation, but that's minor in comparison to the speed and little effort this took to produce.

Rufus's victory

Rufus was at this time quietly start, and not even barked so terribly. I do not remember it barked at the track, yes, probably to some extent. Course went very well. Rufus did not take the pace length, pace and did not take the wall, and dropped barriers. That 7-8-9-curvature Rufus went well beyond me. Would be 8 and will jump jump 11, which I could have the commandments of the past. Rufus searching for them in front of the barriers themselves, but will wait for the command if I'm behind it, and if it does not command a couple of steps before the barrier, it looked at me for saying that back already. Unnecessarily slows the pace. Jump in 1911, it would be half-twirl the bag comes towards me, because I was so much behind. Those points, I had thoughts of little else, the hand comes watched where the bag is, and the bag case was a bit of coordination problems, when it then, however, came a bit unexpectedly, or was to try to turn the track a bit to the left one second per year, however, run fast nearing completion and still does not a good idea to run into the left length. At least, I crashed, but you have to, but try to remember to lift their knees in addition to everything else.

However, our time was 15.27 seconds, 0 error, medi-class leader and in fact all the other sizes for best results. Maria May, and went to meditate in category harder (14.09 seconds was the time), but unfortunately (for them, buhahahaa ...!) error was five points at the first hurdle bypass, when May went completely atypical for themselves bouncing around the start of their rounds, while Maria arrange their hair (hihihi). And then it was calculated and the ban intro -> 5 error points, when May was in front of the judges and performing at my first obstacle was the same across the board. Maria did not know that here is now officially came out, but put the dog back to the top and went on to perform an excellent track speed and accuracy. Similarly, the timekeeper did not jump the gun shawl, but the clock only started following the "departure", which was a good thing because otherwise would not have survived how quickly they track it really did. We, therefore, we took a bit slower (and Blah how slow it's jogging video might not, even if it is running to even imagined how hard ...= P) but the rules of performance as the reindeer ball and chews Prize Toukon nose in front.


My favorite part is "Maria May, and went to meditate in category harder" which means that Maria and her dog Touko (toukokuu = May) did a faster run in medi class... Just in case someone want's a better understanding of what actually happened, here is a translation, for which I specifically wrote the essential points in simple Finnish. There are some flaws still, but over all I think it is pretty understandable.


Track departure is going well, Rufus does not bark very much. He performed well in long jump and the wall. He also performed brilliantly with two tubes. Curve 7, 8 and 9, he jumps almost independently, ie a suitable distance from me. Jump number 8 I give a commandment too late, because I think where is the bag. Rufus looked at me before the fence. The pace slows down a little. He is going to jump well when it was ordered.

Rufus goes nicely into a bag. I'm stumbling a little, I do not remember to bring the knees up while running. That is why I miss the commandments of the fence as soon as Rufus comes from the bag, and Rufus again turns toward me. And when I give a commandment, it jumps the last fence well.

Our time was 15.27 seconds and the zero-error points. We won the meditation class. Says that instructors can teach the dog area commands, with which I do not need to run with the dog. Rufus participated in this race now medi-class, because we were able to choose what size the dog belongs. Rufusta not measured, but I hope that it is medi-size.


Ja, vain hauskuudeksi sama teksti ajettuna eri suuntaan kääntäjän läpi:

Seuraa lähtö menee hyvin, Rufus ei kuori paljon. Hän menestyi hyvin pituushyppy ja muuri. Hän esiintyi myös hienosti kahdella putkella. Käyrä 7, 8 ja 9, hän hyppää melkein itsenäisesti, eli sopivan matkan päässä minusta. Jump numero 8 annan käskyn liian myöhään, koska mielestäni, jos on laukku. Rufus katsoi minua ennen aidan. Vauhti hidastuu hieman. Hän aikoo hypätä hyvin, kun se määräsi.

Rufus menee mukavasti pussiin. Olen kompastelu vähän, en muista nostaa polvia ylös juostessa. Siksi kaipaan käskyjä aidan heti Rufus tulee laukku, ja Rufus taas kääntyy minua kohti. Ja kun annan käskyn, se hyppää viimeisen esteen hyvin.

Meidän aika oli 15,27 sekuntia ja nolla-virhepisteellä. Voitimme meditaatio luokkaa. Sanoo, että opettajat voivat opettaa koira alue komentoja, joiden kanssa minun ei tarvitse juosta koiran kanssa. Rufus osallistui tässä kilpailussa nyt medi-luokassa, koska saimme valita mitä koko koiran kuuluu. Rufusta ei mitata, mutta toivon, että se on Medi-koko.
